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SRX11237060: Petrogale targeted loci project penicillata complex
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 4.1M spots, 821.2M bases, 370.4Mb downloads

Design: Target enrichment using SeqCap EZ Developer Library. Library preparation following Myer M, Kircher M. 2010. Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. 2010, doi:10.1101/pdb.prot5448. For more details, see:Potter S, Bragg JG, Peter BM, Bi K, Moritz C Data from:Phylogenomics at the tips: inferring lineages and their demographic history in a tropical lizard, Carlia amax. Molecular Ecology
Submitted by: Australian National University
Study: Exon capture loci and reduced representation data from Queensland rock-wallabies (genus Petrogale)
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This study looked at the divergence history and introgression between five species of rock-wallaby from northeast Australia which form part of the penicillata species complex. They have chromosomal rearrangements which range from simple to complex and this data (exon and DArT SNP) was used to test the role of these rearrangements in speciation.
Sample: S724
SAMN19884274 • SRS9282854 • All experiments • All runs
Name: SP19_indexing31
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: Targeted-Capture
Selection: unspecified
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 4.1M spots, 821.2M bases, 370.4Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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